Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thieves like to shop at Office Depot, Ross and Plaid Pantry?

Yep, you guessed it. I was the victim of theft this weekend. Actually, this afternoon.

My friend Trisha and I went for our usual weekend run but instead of Saturday morning, postponed until Sunday afternoon. We've never run in the afternoon, but given the potential slick conditions this morning, we opted for later.

As usual, I drove to her place, hopped in her car and we headed to our regular trail off Thurman near NW 23rd. I think it's the Leif Erickson trail. We left our purses in the car (mistake) and headed out.

Upon arrival back to the car I first noticed there was broken glass on the ground and thought to myself, "something must have happened here". I glanced up and realized it happened it us!! Trisha's back seat passenger side window was completely shattered and the purses we had "conveniently" left in the back seat where no where to be seen.

A nice stranger walking by loaned us his phone when we made 3 quick calls, one of which to the Police Department. We waited a little over an hour for the officer to show up to file the report. While waiting we tried to keep warm (with the "open" window) by blasting the heat. We also managed to scrounge up some paper and pens from Trisha's glove box to start making lists of the contents of our purses. We disappointedly tried to remember everything inside. Things like wallet with drivers license, debt cards, department store cards, cell phone, keys (only my car key), some cash, and other items.

By the time we got back to Trisha's, Mark had gotten a ride over there with our extra car key (mine was in my purse) and we drove home, making a stop at the pharmacy to refill a prescription that was in my purse. Luckily the pharmacy didn't ask for any ID. While driving, I used Mark's phone to call on the debt cards that were in my wallet.

In the wake of something that's highly frustrating, I found a few ways of being thankful... Mark borrowed my new 80gig iPod right before I left, to use at the gym, so it wasn't in my purse. I had accidentally left my key ring (with all keys but my car key) in my pocket on our run, instead of in my purse. I had also recently switched to a smaller sized purse which I carried fewer items inside, unlike other times in my life.

Of course, I lost my favorite wallet I hadn't had very long, a really good cell phone with all my contact numbers, my car key with alarm keyring (we are parked in Barb's garage tonight, in case they felt like using my ID to find my car), a cute new purse, and countless other items.

I've already cancelled all the cards, put a hold on my cell phone number, made a plan to get a new drivers license and call to see about getting another car key and changing the code (or something like that) for my car alarm, as well as emailed a few contacts on craigslist to see about getting a reasonable replacement cell phone.

About $350 charges to Office Depot, Ross, and Plaid Pantry, inconvenience and feeling a little violated, I'm not that poor off. So in this case, I'm counting my blessings and can appreciate the reminder to put my purse in the trunk next time I need to leave it in the car to go run. Although right now I'm walking around with a purse (I had an extra) that only has my house keys, ipod, chapstick, and a list of what my "real" purse used to have inside :(

So if I had your number, it's now gone. Please email me your digits. Thanks!!

6 thoughts from other people:

Jenna said...

That is such a bummer. Something like that happened to my mom a couple of years ago while she was running with friends. I am so sorry. Hopefully everything get cleared up. Good luck!

Molly said...

Carrie, I'm REALLY sorry to hear about that. Having something stolen is always such a disconcerting feeling; glad you were able to get so much taken care of right away!

Anonymous said...

Man, they must've went RIGHT to the store to shop if you were that quick cancelling everything. I guess you could give the cops the location of the sales and they could start there.

That really sucks I'd be pissed and want to pound them into the ground if I found them...then forgive them.

Anonymous said...

Getting stuff stolen, even if it is just stuff, is really annoying. Our 4Runner was broken into this past summer, and even though they only took a couple of CD's and our hands free cell phone thing... the window still doesn't work properly and is just... annoying. Sorry :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie Jean - Sorry that my phone didn't work for you :~( I found your blog through Molly's... Rest in the Lord...
In Christ - Kitty

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about this! There is always that feeling that you have been... violated. I'm just glad the purse wasn't stolen off your shoulder or something!