Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas Pictures!!

Our first Christmas tree. It has more decorations on it than you can see. We called it the "training wheel tree". ;)

Mark and his brother Steve got pedicures when we in Whidbey. I thought it was commical that the guys got pedicures while the girls sat by and watched ;)

Rian helping Grandma Jean make a cake.

Poor Mark got sick on Christmas Eve and spent the day puking. I felt horrible for him so stayed by his side and got him whatever he needed.

One of Rian's favorite gifts was a set of boxes she got from her aunt Ade. It was cute.

Rian's other favorite gift was the ball play pen she got from her grandparents. It was very cute watching her play in there!! Her dad climbed in there with her.

Mark playing a new game in his new sweater. He felt better Christmas day but not 100%.

1 thoughts from other people:

Melinda said...

I LOVE the pedicure shot! Did they enjoy it?