Monday, October 1, 2007

My weekend was fantastic!!

Other than my knee issue rising in time for my run on Saturday and cutting it short so I didn't make it worse, it was a terrific day!! Mark and I stayed home, ate yummy chocolate chip pancakes and watched our first Netflix, disk 1 of Heroes. We enjoyed the first 2 shows so much that after pushing ourselves to clean for a while (our little place hadn't been cleaned since before the wedding), we walked down to Albertsons for groceries and the next 2 discs of the show.

We came back, made nachos, threw together our very own bean dip with refried beans mixed with salsa, sour cream, and taco seasoning, and proceeded to watch both disks! By the time we were nearly finished with the third disk, we took a break for me to make brownies and Mark to walk down and get the next two discs. He came back and we returned to the show until we fell asleep after midnight.

All in all, a great day!!

Yesterday we went to church, lunch with Barb, and finished the next 2 discs of Heroes before heading to Barb's for dinner and hangout after she got home.

Again, another terrific day!! Relaxing, time together, and no agenda, just what we needed... a little slice of heaven,

Speaking of heaven, I'm reading the Randy Alcorn book about Heaven and am very excited to see what he says on the subject. Honestly, I never much cared to learn about heaven. I used to think that being in a world without sin would be wonderful enough so I never took it much beyond that, assuming we wouldn't be able to imagine and it was all speculation on what it would really be like. But since marrying Mark, I want to know more about it because now I don't really want to be away from Mark and trust that God is trustworthy in that heaven will be better than life with Mark (or at least a life where I'm not in a married relationship with Mark), but it's hard to imagine. Alcorn says that it's our imagination that helps us think about heaven. He was saying in the chapter I read today, that we need only look around us and imagine everything as perfect, and that's what heaven will be like!! That's a fun thought! He even mentions something about how we'll have work in heaven... so, will we enjoy our work?

All very interesting... I'm curious to see what he says about our relationships with each other in heaven. I've only started the second chapter so am only at the beginning!

Oh, and I have to mention that another super cool thing about this weekend is a finally got my bread machine bread recipe book and tried 2 of the breads, potato bluecheese and pumpkin pecan. They are SO fun!! I'm in love with my bread machine!! Thanks again, Mom!!

6 thoughts from other people:

Anonymous said...

I love Heroes. Mark is a Hero. He's my Hero.

Anonymous said...

Hey Care!

The book by Randy Alcorn is an awesome read. I read it a few years ago and really enjoyed it.
Kenny and I are part of a group that is learning about Heaven right now, and OH MY GOODNESS. It's pretty much changing my life and turning it inside out (in a very good way.) Growing up in a Christian home, I am shocked that I had never heard a teaching like this before when it's really the basis for Christian life - an eternal perspective. It's incredibly hard core, but finally answers the "Can you lose your salvation?" question among lots of other stuff. I would highly recommend reading "Driven by Eternity" by John Bevere.
I always avoided thinking about Heaven too, because I wanted to be with Kenny forever. Now, I haven't had a full revelation about that yet, but my perspective has certainly changed.
We're watching the DVD series so I haven't read the book, but I know you can get it at Wal-Mart for $14. Anyway, I saw your post and had to comment. :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and Heroes is awesome too. :) We don't usually keep up with tv shows but we've been watching this from day one.

noell said...

love your blogging! i was writing you a HUGE comment, and decided to turn it into an email. Love ya!

Jenna said...

Heroes is the best. We have Heroes date night where everyone gets together and watches it. Yeah for postings on, or I would miss so much. I think we are going to watch Monday's episode tonight.

Marla said...

I am very excited about this Heaven book. Once you finish let me know if I should pick up a copy too. I love what you've shared so far about it.