Monday, October 15, 2007

He's gone!

My wonderful, darling, super amazing husband flew out this morning for almost 2 weeks in Taiwan on business. Here was his final text message before turning of his phone for the last leg of his journey, "Lov u got to go call soon". 'Soon' being 15+ hours from now. We actually hadn't really figured out how he was going to call me. So 'soon' could be more like 24+ hours.

When talking about Mark being gone, some people's response is, "you'll be fine" or "oh, it will be over before you know it". To those people, can I just ask that you NOT comment on this post. You are correct on both counts, but "you'll be fine" and "he'll be back before you know it" won't be the warm body sleeping next to me at night.

Don't get me wrong, I'm working on ways to stay 'fine' and pass the time quickly...
1) get most/all of the wedding Thank You cards written (my plan is 10 per day)
2) get more caught up on scrapbooking (I'm breaking it out tonight to make headway on the big event I want to finish before starting on the wedding album)
3) try and eat through food in our freezer, cupboards and fridge, saving on grocery money (e.g. chips and dip, frozen crock pot meal, pb&j, and whatever else I can find)
4) try a few bread machine recipes that Mark might not care for
5) clean the apartment
6) try and "set up" the second bedroom, complete with making the desk functional, organize the bookshelf, hang pictures, update filing
7) hang more pictures
8) plan a few social activities I might not otherwise, hangout with Barb, run a half marathon on Sunday, etc.

But I would trade ALL of that list (no matter how much I love a sense of accomplishment), to have my husband at home again!!

By the way, his trip got postponed 2 days so instead of leaving Saturday morning, he left today, which gave us the weekend to have lots of quality time together before he left. We had a really good time of running some errands, working on little projects together, and just being with one another before he left. It was wonderful!!

5 thoughts from other people:

Stephanie said...

I hear your heart, Carrie! I know it is so hard to be away from him, especially at night... even tho you haven't been in the same bed for very long! Sounds like you have some fun stuff planned to keep you busy, tho. But you are right.. it is SO not the same! Hang in there!!

Marla said...

Hey Care, I'm sorry you are without your new husband for the first time. At least, as you said before, it has started so the time can now finally pass and be over soon. Enjoy your porjects and line up some pillows next to you to trick yourself in your sleep that you are not alone. ;) I love you and I'll keep you and Mark in my prayers in this time apart.

Tawny said...

I use a heating blanket at night. That works for me. And you should see my list. It has 20,147 things for me to do while waiting for Mr. Right. I am exhausted :)

I love you and I cannot wait for Mark to come home to you. Keep posting!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh you'll be fine, he'll be back before you know it!

Tawny said...

Ooooh, leave it to a brother to push buttons!!!