Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sort of checking out for a bit

I'm at work right now. Things are flowing well at the wedding reception I'm helping with so I thought I'd take a break to rest my feet. Now that I'm married I really enjoy weddings. It's fun to attend with my husband because we get all the joys without it being OUR day! I love to remember our beautiful wedding day but look back with thankfulness that it's over. And really feel like it reflected who we are so I have no regrets.

Today is my last day as Event Coordinator here at Sunset. It's bittersweet. Bitter because I feel like I'm just starting to get a hang of things and really love helping make events come off wonderfully. I love thinking through details, planning for contingencies, and making decisions on the fly as things change. It's sweet because I feel God is ushering me into a new phase of life that he has his hand upon. He seemed to have his hand on this part of life, but there's something a little different about the next phase. Perhaps it's my renewed dependence on him or something, not sure.

To go along with my new phase of life I cut a little more off my hair than normal (I wanted a change and can't really do anything more drastic with my hair ;) when I saw my hair dresser on Thursday. I'm still getting used to it. I'm not one to shy away from hair change as I figure it will either grow out or fade so why not try it. I'd always wish I had if I chickened out at the last minute!

Mark comes home tomorrow and I'm SOO ready for him to be back!! I was never ready for him to be gone but don't think I could handle another day of him being away. Especially right now when I am thankful for him being the one stable and constant thing. He cares for me in a way I never imagined and I appreciate being able to care for him in return. We truly have the sweetest union and it's far better than I had hoped or dreamed!!!

After I leave work today (in a couple hours) I'm not going to be at email, blogs, etc much for a week. We don't have Internet up at home yet (I've just been lazy and haven't called after we discovered it wasn't working) and leave early Tuesday morning for a week in MT for some family time. I love the timing of this trip as it gives me time to separate from my work here and come back refreshed and ready to hit the ground running with my new work. And I'm SOOO looking forward to time with the family!! I love celebrations and occasions to rejoice and take pictures!

3 thoughts from other people:

Anonymous said...

have a great time in montana. see you when you get back for more training :)

Sharon said...


God is, indeed, in your new phase of work life -- and I wait with baited breath to see the new wonders he will work in that phase :)

Also, can't wait for your Montana visit!

Christina Groth said...

Happy (belated) anniversary!