Monday, August 11, 2008

New Life??

It feels like I'm starting a new life. My old one wasn't bad but God seemed interested in taking me another direction.

September 2nd (the day after we get back from the MT trip) I start my new part-time job (I'll share more on that later so just hang in there). I was thankful to get the offer before I got the 2 rejection letters for the other jobs I had interviewed for. I think I sent my resume out to at least 10-14 job ads and I guess 2 calls in today's economy isn't bad.

My new job is part-time and I hope to help subsidize my new half income with some side projects that look promising, but aren't set in stone yet. Although after making a quick stop for sale shoes at DSW I had dreams of working there as well... but I would never bring my paycheck home ;)

With a part-time job I feel like my life is changing. I'm thankful to be in a position where I don't have to work full-time (although it would be better for us financially), but I also don't know what to think of this change. I will only be working half-time so feel like my focus will no longer be on my job but on the rest of the life. My focus wasn't on my job entirely, but you know what I mean. My goal is no longer to make money.

I have no idea what God has in mind for my life since my event job seemed perfect and in some ways I felt like I had "arrived". I think there's something that feels good about doing the job you thought you wanted. I did want the job and I think I did it well. But it wasn't where I was supposed to stay and I don't really understand that.

So on our 1st wedding anniversary with the purchase of our 1st home under our belts and moving into my 3rd job in one year, I feel like I'm embarking on a new adventure.

And never being a girl without a plan, here are the things I hope to do while on this adventure: spend the first part of my newly acquired time off with God, learn to cook more complicated meals with my extra time, hang out with friends, continue setting up our little house, plant an indoor herb garden, make a quilt of my running shirts, and try to rest in God and trust that he has me where he wants me and follow whatever call he may give me during that time.

But I can't shake the feeling that this is HUGE! And I just have no idea why it's happening or what I'm supposed to do with it. But as I sometimes tell others, I'm just going to do the next thing.

In case some of you may be wondering (because we are getting questions and comments), "what about kids?" We aren't quite there yet.

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