Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The only thing constant is change

This phrase seems to describe my life right now.

On a side note, I've started about 4 blogs in the past week. Not sure why none of them have made it to the "post" level. I have a commitment with myself to never blog when I'm in a hyper emotional state. So perhaps that's why ;)

The phase from the movie Groundhog Day always comes to mind when I mention how I don't blog when I'm emotional. Phil Conners (Bill Murray) has kidnapped the groundhog and is letting him stear the pick-up he's driving. He tells the groundhog, "don't drive angry, don't drive angry". My line of "don't blog emotional" always come out sounding like Bill Murray talking to a groundhog, in my head.

Here are the things that are changing right now in my life:
- our budget changed the 1st of February, we're trying something new
- my job changes next week
- this week, the "feel" at my current job has changed because I'm leaving
- my husband leaves on Sunday for about 10 days
- with the new job, my insurance will be changing
- our lives will change a little with the newness of Internet at our place, starting this week
- I was at a women's retreat last weekend that made me think of some things I need to change (on the inside)
- with the new job comes a slight change in schedule
- with Mark being gone next week, I'll change the way I do food at home
- with Mark being gone, I might even change where I sleep and crash at Barb's a couple nights
- this week my mid-week runs change from 3 miles to 3.5

Umm... that's all I can come up with for now.

2 thoughts from other people:

Anonymous said...

You have reached your conclusion at a relatively young age! *smile* That realization can make it much easier to handle the things that life throws at you. Depending on your personality, change can be rather fun and being able to handle it can provide the same sense of accomplishment as climbing a mountain or completing a marathon.

Good luck with the new job -- and go with the confidence of knowing that they chose you for the position. Do you know the Mama Cass song "Dream a Little Dream of Me?" You could call Mark every night while he is gone and sing that song to him! *grin* Bet he'd like it!

Groundhog Day is one of my favorite comedies and that bit with the groundhog is one of the funnier moments.

Jenna said...

I like how you make lists - I think the same way and it is easier to read along/follow your thoughts. Sometimes change is good. Better opportunities when it comes to jobs. Sometimes not so good, with the hubby going. I will be praying for your transitions though. BTW - I made my blog public so more people can read it. Help me spread the news, please.