Sunday, February 24, 2008


Half a dozen eggs.

An entire package of bacon.
One fire truck.
Breakfast with my husband, PRICELESS!!

Mark had trouble sleeping again last night. Jetlag. I coaxed him into staying in bed until after 8 when he wanted to get up at 5. We got up and previously deciding to skip church, weren't sure what to do for breakfast or how to start the day. We opted to cook at home instead of go out so Mark got started on breakfast while I worked on the computer. 

Things were going along well until we turned out backs on the bacon. I was in plain sight of the kitchen, but not paying attention. A few moments later our entire place was filled with the smoke of overcooked bacon. Mark quickly opened the door and I opened the sliding door and almost immediately heard the sound of the smoke alarm. A couple of them. I closed the front door (since we were still in our pjs and I didn't want the neighbors looking in) and tried to fan out the smoke alarm. We've set them off before and got them to shut off pretty quickly. No go. It kept going off!! I tried to pull the battery out only to realize it was a different alarm going off in our apartment. Turns out we'd set the alarm off in the hallway, which set off an alarm in EVERY apartment in our building!!

Glancing outside we say people leaving their units and debated going down to tell them it was just us in hopes the alarms would shut off. We were embarrassed and not sure what to say, so tried to wait it out a couple more minutes. 

Within that time, I noticed a fire truck pulling into the complex. Nice! We both got dressed and went outside with everyone else trying to play it cool and not realizing until then that the entire building alarms were going off. At this point, we weren't sure it was as because we didn't burn the bacon THAT bad!

As the firemen made their way towards our stairwell, we told them about our bacon smoke and suggested we weren't sure it was from that or not. We were really not feeling so good before our neighbors. We walked up to our apartment with the fireman and then stayed in there when the guy said it probably was from that. He was super nice about it and we felt like schmucks!! We didn't go back out and hoped people wouldn't know which apartment we were in or recognize us later in or anything (dang pink hair!).

The alarms soon went off (apparently they have to be shut off and won't just go off after the smoke has cleared) and we continued with our breakfast. Mark gave up after breaking several eggs. We went through half a dozen eggs and an entire package of bacon before finalizing our breakfast of English muffins, 2 eggs each, and the left over bacon. 

I guess the nice thing was that we were able to laugh about it and enjoy the rest of our morning. Although we haven't braved leaving our place yet and are afraid people will hate us. We hope they forget about the incident soon.

7 thoughts from other people:

Stephanie said...

Just another fun day at the Peeples' place! Your neighbors might not think so.... but that is HILARIOUS!!! I still am laughing.

Glad you are enjoying togetherness this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great laugh! Should we call Mastercard? Let's see...

six eggs.... $1.00 (est.)
1 lb. of bacon....$3.00
Setting off every smoke alarm in the apartment building when you burned the bacon...


Jenna said...

Hahahaha, now you know what it is like to live in a college dorm. Drunk kiddies putting microwave popcorn in the microwave with the plastic wrap still on for 10 minutes and setting off the fire alarm. Hey at least it wasn't at 3am or something. Glad to hear there wasn't a fire or anything. Bacon grease - could have been a lot worse.

Anonymous said...

Do you know the story of me starting a fire in the church kitchen? Fireman came too... I still haven't recovered.

Tres gavee me a fire extinguisher for Christmas and mounted it on the wall in my office.

♥ Becky ♥ said...

Carrie, you had me laughing so hard I was crying. It's good that you can laugh at now. I would have probably been mortified. Hopefully you aren't getting any stink eye looks. :-)

Anonymous said...

Carro, did mom ever tell you about he time she put a pot of beans on the stove and then fell asleep only to awaken to house full of smoke and firemen?

love you!

Anonymous said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)