Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Vacation Pictures

Finally I was able to get some pictures uploaded! So you'll get to relive our past 2 weekends in pictures ;) 

Mark and I at Crater Lake. We went with friends and camped about an hour away for a couple nights. It was beautiful and a fun adventure!

On a hike at Crater Lake. 

Our friends, Peter and Trisha (my running partner) got engaged on our trip. Exciting!!

Me making the 4 of us pancakes the second morning and after a big rain/thunder/lightening storm the night before. It was brilliant!! And our tent held up beautifully! Our wood got wet from the rain (why we didn't think to cover it, I'm just not sure), so we used our little burner while Peter and Trisha went off to find wood at a nearby store.

Mark and I headed to Florence at the beach for the third night and enjoyed a couple hour kayaking trip. Very fun!! 

Us on the water. Our guide was very good. He seemed to enjoy taking us around the river.

We spent the weekend of the 4th on Whidbey Island with Mark's family. This is me with his sister Adrienne at the fair. 

Me with Mark's mom and cousin Clare, who is visiting from England, at the parade. We had to do the 4th in all it's glory so Clare get could the full experience!

Me with Mark and cousin Clare, still at the parade.

After the parade we went to a little fair at the water front nearby and we got a snack. I accidentally ordered this HUGE amount of curly fries. I didn't know it was going to be so big!!

The next day we took a walk down the beach from Mark's parent's place into town (3ish miles). I used a mostly empty water bottle to catch and keep tiny crabs. It was great fun but mark made me dump them out. 

Amazingly, my good friend from Texas (Noell) and her husband David were on Whidbey Island for vacation visiting David's brother. So we met up for a little visit. I managed to keep the picture where I had my eyes closed ;)

Now we're home. Mark and I had just enough time before tonight to make our place presentable (we had "let it go" while getting ready to move) for Mark's sister and cousin to come visit Portland. They did a little excursion during Clare's 2 week visit. It's fun to have company! We just finished taco salads and are watching Transformers. Mark and I managed to get tomorrow off work so will be taking them to see our new place and head downtown for a visit to Powell's books and a few other highlights in Ptown. 

2 thoughts from other people:

Anonymous said...

i love crater beautiful. cool pictures.

Stephanie said...

What a fun, fun adventure for you two! I am SO glad you are taking time to get out and see the world before you start a family (if that is in your plans.. no assumptions here!) Doug and I are SO glad we got away a lot before Evelyn was born. It will be a while before we do crazy things again! :)

Thanks for sharing pics of your trip. I could sit and just look at Crater Lake for HOURS! We camped at Diamond Lake when we went. I can't wait to get back!

Hope to see you soon!