Monday, November 19, 2007

A sweet thing

This morning I didn't put on any make-up or do anything more with my hair than pull it back into a low pony-tail. I also am not dressed nice in my jeans, a sweatshirt and fleece jacket. When on our way to the bus stop to drop off Mark, he looks over at me and says, "wow, you are SO beautiful!" He seemed to be quite taken with me in that moment. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and wasn't sure why he thought I was beautiful, but was really thankful that's what he sees when he looks at me, even in not-so-attractive clothes, no make-up and frizzy hair.

He's the greatest husband in the world and we have more fun together than I thought possible!! I would love to share some of our funny things, but I'm afraid they wouldn't be as funny to anyone else ;) Lets just say that even though there are a few bumps along the way, being married to Mark is far greater than I imagined!!!

3 thoughts from other people:

Stephanie said...

Awww, how sweet! He is a keeper!! Enjoy every moment!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tawny said...

Carrie-- I have meaning to ask you... where do you work and what do you do? This, of course has nothing to do with the physical decription that you just gave, even though I would give my 2nd left toe to leave the house in fleece :)

Lesley Miller said...

I haven't read your blog in awhile and just caught up a little bit. I love this story-- so cute. :) Hope you had a wonderful time in Montana!