Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Amy Grant Concert

Yesterday I worked the Amy Grant Concert at Rolling Hills. It was a great show!! And although I'm not Amy's biggest fan (which was confirmed when I met several from the fan club), I did totally feel privileged to work the show and walk down the backstage hall and smile at her when we locked eyes from the open door of her dressing room. I really do think it's a blast to work these shows!! It's a long and tiring day, but SO fun!!

So, I'm the first to admit I get terribly star struck and tongue tied around "the talent". I discovered this when getting my copy of a Donald Miller book signed a couple years ago. I loved his books and they were hugely impacting on my life at that time but as I stood in front of the author I was surprised to stumble over some silly words with a goofy smile on my face and my neck covered with splotches! My friend who was in line with me laughed when we were done. It was quite funny. And earlier this year when I met Shawn McDonald, I blushed and felt quite awkward! I decided I just didn't need to meet the talent. Walking the same halls with them and helping make their shows a success is good enough for me!!

This was the soundcheck "party". I met and escorted the fan club (who had gotten a special invite) to come hear the soundcheck and then meet her afterwards. It was the longest soundcheck I'd ever been to, but the band and Amy Grant were fantastic!!
This was taken during the actual show. It was really fun!! I recognized a lot of the songs (because it was a replica of her "Lead Me On" tour from 20 years ago) and thought they were appropriately updated so really enjoyed it!

Me with Amy Grant. Other than locking eyes and smiling earlier in the day, she had also previously commented on how she liked my hair streaks. That was cool!

I helped manage the meet & greet line after the show and got in on the end of it having her sign my nametag and also getting this picture. Yet again, I fumbled all over myself making some silly comment about "how this is very important to me" when trying (for the second time) to get the picture. I mumbled through something to her about it being a great show and felt bad she had to wade through so many people, but she was very gracious!

And lastly, I drove home with a bouquet of flowers on my passenger seat, that Amy handed to me as she walked out. They weren't exactly for me, but I was in the entry way with several others when she was leaving and asked if any of us wanted the flowers a fan had given her because they didn't travel well. No one spoke up so I said I'd take them.

I like my life!

5 thoughts from other people:

Sharon said...

Love the post and pictures, Carrie. Amy has some good songs, but I've never been to her concerts.

You are going to dry that bouquet, right???

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that we, the crazy Amy fans, were over the top??? :)

Thanks for helping at soundcheck - I've been to several, and you were much more organized than most.

Mike and Stace said...

You're cool. That's really fun. I like Amy. I think her life is a great reality of who God is and how He showers His love on us. Very cool!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of Amy but that's so cool you got to be part of her show!! Adri

Marla said...

I realized today, as I sit at Starbucks supposedly getting some studying done on Thanksgiving since I don't have internet in my new place yet (monday, yay), that I haven't read your blog since the one before the Onion Soup. This one made me laugh so hard, even here in Starbucks by myself. You are a funny girl and I just love and miss you much. :) By the way, I have decommisioned (how do you spell that word) my blog for the time being so I don't have a repeat of the Seattle work fiasco. I'll break it out later. Sad. :(