Sunday, September 16, 2007

The rest of my life has officially begun ;)

2 weeks and about 4.5 hours since we’ve been married and life is better than I ever imagined!! I’m not entirely sure what I thought it would be like, but it’s been SO fun! We laugh all the time, still can’t get enough time with each, enjoy our new morning routine, have enjoyed setting up our new apartment, and in general have felt like everything has been fantastic!! I’m more in love with Mark today than I was 2 weeks ago, if that’s possible ;)

The wedding was beautiful!! Everyone looked great, were so wonderful in helping the day go smooth and treating us like we were the most special people on earth for that afternoon. Thanks to EVERYONE who came, helped, and just showed us love throughout the weekend and wedding day!!

Vegas was perfect!! Well, Vegas isn’t perfect but we felt like our time together was perfect. Between “quality time” in our hotel room, a couple walks along the strip, a little gambling, seeing David Copperfield, and a lot of great meals, we just couldn’t have had a better time!! We were both pleasantly surprised to discover we were always in complete agreement about how to spend our time each day even though we never had an agenda. We didn’t strike it big in terms of money, but we did strike it big with our first 5 days together!!

We got home late Friday night the 7th and enjoyed 3 days at home unpacking and setting up our new house. All our gifts from showers and the wedding were wonderful and definitely gave us a little leg up on our new life together. Our bedroom doesn’t have any pictures on the wall (we ran out after the living and dining rooms), and the small second bedroom is piled high with stuff, but otherwise it’s looking very cute and homey.

Since returning to work on Tuesday, we’ve discovered we love mornings together, even if they are only long enough to get ready for work, put coffee in a to go cup and head out the door. Going to bed with each other and waking up next to one another is a highlight!!

That’s it for now. We don’t have Internet at our new place but I’ll try and keep things as updated as possible. We’ll try and post all wedding pics in a central location, but for now you can view some my friend Noell took here or some my brother took (mostly pre-wedding), here.

Honeymoon pics!!

3 thoughts from other people:

Jenni Clayville said...

YAY new blog. I've got it all saved!

Stephanie said...

Welcome home, Mrs. Peeples!! You sound like such a newlywed..haha! I am glad you have had such a wonderful start to a wonderful adventure! Love the new blog!

XO Stephanie Morris

Marla said...

This is the only thing I have to say about the pic of Mark gambling... "Wheel of Fortune!!!" It doesn't look like he was playing it but it was the next machine over. That's all I hear ringing in my ears when I think Vegas. Ha. It was like a magenic to us on our trip. Love you!