Saturday, September 5, 2009

2 Year Wedding Anniversary!!

The picture is a little dark, but I think it's cute!!

We celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday, but didn't "do" anything to celebrate until today (it's hard when the day lands in the middle of the week). We had decided to nearly recreate our first date and go to dinner and a movie downtown. So this afternoon we took the MAX downtown and had dinner at the Macaroni Grill and then went to see a movie at Pioneer Square. We killed time before the movie by doing one of our favorite things, people watching. It was especially interesting tonight because of some convention going on that required people to dress up in strange costumes. We think it was somehow connected to something nerd/gaming related (not that those things always go together). We had a wonderful night and can't believe it's already been 2 years!!

Other than being tighter than we might have imagined financially, we both feel like we've come a long way in 2 years. We have a house, are happier than we imagined possible, and are excitedly awaiting our first child.

By the way, this is me at 29 weeks pregnant. Wow! It's going by fast and slow at the same time. I'm getting pretty excited to welcome this little one into the world and am curious to see how it will feel to have her out. Seems hard to remember what it was like to NOT having a growing child in my body. I also wonder what it will be like to have a flat tummy again... except that I realized the other day that it may never be flat again. Minor details ;) But the excitement to have her out and around is outweighing the fear of the process to get there. At least until the time comes, then I'll probably be scared out of my mind ;)

1 thoughts from other people:

GodSide said...
